Hi! Today I'm gonna talk about something that y enjoy doing outside, and even tho I love a lot of outdoor activities, such as trekking, biking, playing v-ball, football, and a lot of other things that I enjoy, I wanna talk about climbing. 

I started this sport a couple years ago, because one of my cousins invited me to one of her trainings, and then I realized that I really liked it, so I started doing it a lot. A few years later, my cousin broke her legs, so she couldn't climb in a long time, and as I kept doing it, she gave me all her equipment, so now I've got climbing shoes, and the right clothes and all.

I did it a lot of times with my cousin in the south of Chile, where she lives, but by now, I practice sometimes in climbing parks around Santiago. 

I love climbing, because not only is an excellent exercise for your body, but also, you've got the best views, I've watched so many landscapes thanks to this sport, and I'm so grateful because of that.

It's been a while since my last time climbing, I guess it was this summer, since I have a lot of free time in the summer break, I remember I went climbing with one of my best friends. I use to do a lot of the things that I like, because in the rest of the year, is hard to find the time.


  1. I get vertigo so this isn't something I'd like to try.


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