
 Today, talk about my experience with learn English, is very bad, bs in my first school, when was my first experience with English (8-9 years old), turn English teacher very often, each 2 or 3 months, so, the students' no learn the language, me also. 

I find very complicated bs isn't similar, like Italian or French, and the structure grammatical is very complicated for me, but the vocabulary is short, it is very easy, bs you learn many words.

I am practice to watch movies, and video on YouTube in English, but with subtitles.

I really like talk with other person bs, I think is the better technical to learn that language. 

Personally I think I need to speak English bs, I am going to exchange to Italy, and need to speak Italian and English. 

I don't like the inlgesa culture very much, because unlike the latin culture, they don't have that feeling of attachment. 


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