A little bit of chile

My ultimate trip was at south of Chile, specifically in Cochamo, I went to visit my family to live there for all summer. 

With my cousin works in a cafe-restaurant like waiter, but we resign, bs we boss no want pay the tips, so we decided to go to Rio Puelo, to visit a friend of my cousin and went to a fair, the experience was very funny. 

Rio Puelo is beautiful, the landscape is so colorful, and the people is so nice and gentle. Is a place we always go with my family, because our aunts and cousin live there.

In there, we did a lot of things, and since we go in the summer, we can enjoy all the touristic activities, we went to a artery fair, we participated from a "Minga", which is a super common activity there, when someone moves from one place to another and need to move their house too, people in the town helps them, so they move the house in a boat, crossing the lake, and then they pull the house using ropes, then when they get the house to the new place, is a great celebration, there is a lot of food, music and alcohol to share and enjoy. 

I think what I most enjoyed is the love of the people, they treat everyone as family, and offer you a place in the table, and food and love. I think we would be a lot happier if we lived and shared as people in the South of Chile does.


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