When you say a book that you could recommend, it was easy, one of the books that I think that EVERYONE must read, is How To Avoid A Climate Disaster by Bill Gates, as you would imagine, the book is about the climate change, but It's so well written, and really helps to realize how damaging are our actions as human beings, I think is one if those books that can open your eyes, and you can read it and say "wow! I never could imagine how bad it was", and Bill Gates explains how he used his technology to help, and provides a lot of numbers that are easily explained, so everyone can understand. One of the most positive things about the book, is the fact that It's still optimistic about our chances to save the planet, not like everyone on social media that says that it's impossible to go back to how it was in the world, Bill says that we can still do something, and help to save the planet. I think this should be a mandatory book at schools, everyone should read it and learn about it, because I think that if society is more educated, then we can act better.


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