A Festival, Exhibition or Show you saw

 Last year, by the time the World Cup was in the finals stages, me and my family went to Argentina, to visit some of my family and my parents friends, we casually arrived and at the next day, we found out the in the next block from my aunt's house, was the Festival de la Cerveza de Mendoza, its a tradition of every year in that city, but we haven't ever be at Argentina by those dates, my cousin told me that Nicki Nicole was singing in that festival, and me and my sister ruined to buy tickets (we are fans of the singer), surprisingly, the tickets were so cheap, we speeded like 5000 in each ticket, and the next day, my sister and I went to the show. It was crazy, was full of people, and in the afternoon Argentina winned the game in the semifinals of the World Cup, so everyone was so excited, we had a really good time, we singed, Nicki Nicole made an excellent performance, and everyone was so happy that Argentina had a chance to win the Cup, that the whole atmosphere was so incredible, we loved it!


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