
Hi, my name is Matías Loyola Alvarado, I am 21 years old and study architecture, my first hobby is play volleyball and watch movies or series. My family form to Magallanes, when my grandmother come to studied pedagogy in University Catholic, they arrived in Santiago, specifically in Peñaflor and live at today. I live with my mom, my dad, and one sister, but I have two sisters, the other live in Santiago.

In my school life, go to study in Liceo Bicentenario Talagante, and like schools bs played volleyball all day hahaha, with my friends is runner when the bell rang, bs if no runner the other guys they were taking away our field.

One of my dreams is to study gastronomic french in Ecole (Academic of Chefs), always like eat, bs my mom cooking very good, but at 4 or 5 years ago, really like cooking too.


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